Saturday, July 26, 2008

At Last the Truth Can Be Told!

My friends, a sinister enemy walks among us -- perhaps in your very house. It comes from the distant reaches of another galaxy, yet takes the form of an innocent house cat, gaining our trust, then ... stealing our very thoughts while we sleep!! My friend, we cannot keep this a secret any longer. Can your heart stand the shocking facts of ... BRAIN ROBBERS FROM OUTER SPACE?!?

That ATM password has GOT to be in here somewhere.

I want to believe


You Lookin' at Me?

Whaddya lookin' at? Huh? You lookin' at me? Well, I'm the only one here, so you gotta be lookin' at something. What, I look funny to you, like I'm a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh, I'm here to frickin' amuse you? Whaddya lookin' at? Hah? HAAAAAHH?! Yeah, that's right, you better keep walkin', ya goombah.

Seriously, all kidding aside, what are you looking at?

He's such a good fella

FYI: Petite mohawked monkey OWNS YOUR SOUL

[sucking thumb + bamboo strand]

Here's the deal.

I'm a golden-haired, mini mohawk-sporting, teeny-nostrilled monkeh.

And I own your soul. all of it! All. FYI.



Full Frontal Cute-ity!

See, this is why you need to be extra careful in the Internet Age: You're at a party, you're hitting the catnip a little hard, and so you pass out in the guest bedroom -- and that's when somebody whips out the cell-phone camera, and the next morning you're the newest star on Unless you're a boy cat, in which case everybody took turns writing on you with Sharpies first.


Oh, the shame of it

Uh-oh, help

Back AWAY from the bamboo, Sir

Panda: OK! OK! [Paws up]

I was only going to Nom a small amount—I SWEARS!


You better back away NOW so nobody gets hurt!!!

"Pbbbbbbbfffft"-ing for the first time





Day-old "Balboa" gets his "Pbbbbbbbfffft" on.



You hear me, People? Moo.

Comin' thruuuu moo.


OK, it's not a cow, but it's CLOSE!

Will you please check out this behbeh stingray

He's all: Weeeeeeeeee!

First of all, I've never seen a bebeh stingray. Second, who woulda thunk a bebeh stingray could be cute enough to meet our stringent requirements? Third, will you please look at these "legs" OMG.


Clownfeesh whirlpool

Ehn! Ehn! Ehn! Ehn! Ehn! Ehn!

[bathtub water swirls out of control]


Best clowns evar.

Esscyuusse me, but I am not feesh please.

Lauri_turtlets_coxcu_300 [ahem]

Yes I do understand how you may feel constrained by the classifications currently available to you, sir or madam. However, this does not diminish my state of reptilianity. I am what I am. You see? Not all that is wet is fishy!

We are TURTLE. You will be assimilated.

The saddest cuttlefish ever

I really really really need a "cuddle"!



the eyelids say it all... :(

Brusha Brusha Brusha

Oh. Tank you so moooooosche.

I was looking for an ex-fol-ee-ay-shons.


Oh hai...

I was just inside cleaning my Giant Clam apartmento when you stopped by. It's all ready now, come on in.


Everyone needs a lil' clownfish snorgling now and again.