Monday, August 11, 2008


Ooooo you look all spiffy and handsome taday. Very much indeed...prosh.

Licka Chicka

Hey, guess what? Once I can stick my tongue all the way up muh nosey, I will be in the No Dogs Club. All that's left is eating an entire jar of peanut butter in fifteen minutes! I can make it.


OH PULEASE!!!! You think your having a stressed-out day please don't be so non-shulant. I feel sooooooooooo blah. Please go away now.....BE GONE WITH YOU I need some catnip.

(chorus of hullah luya) golden fluff attack

This dog evidently spotted the spy's camera and rolled over to beg for a photograph of its golden fluff. Wouldn't you say so Momma?

For the last time Im NOT sharing my dinner!!!

Listen, in THEORY sharing food is good idea. I mean, I couldn't well, possibly, probably eat all this.

I just want the OPTION to eat it all. [Smacks your hand with paw as you reach toward food]

I guess she calls the shots, there, Megan R.?!!

yum yum

What do you think? 350 degrees for 25 minutes?

Can't go wrong with that recipe. That's how Grandma taught me.


I can go in oven