Sunday, March 1, 2009

Hello kitty and me!

Surely you can imagine how proud I'd be a-walkin’ downtown with my tender best friend on my back!
But the cutest thing is that the backpack’s so soft that I can carry it sleepin’ with me, and it's so big that it can hold all I need when I go out =(^.^)=
KAWAII! A little Kitty-chan just lookin’ at me from the top of a shelf, with her shiny dark shy eyes… could I ever leave her there all alone? Of course not! I SHALL get er' one day indeed...

Did you make your bed tis' morning?

"Oh yeah, I made my bed, all right... I MADE IT BEG FOR MERCY! Mwahahahahaha! That's right, I'll show that piece o' Wolf Furniture in this house who's boss!"

Pic from Flickr.
Wow Momma another happy customer, I'm so proud!