Sunday, April 13, 2008

uh um huh

Which actor/actress would you wanna meet and why?Then which singer would you wanna meet and why?


If you were on a island and could only bring 4 things what would it be?


Once i was eating grapes and i plucked the grape off the branch and there was a black leg and out came a-a-a-a SPIDER EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! I was so disgusted i never ate grapes again(or at least so far).

Sunday, April 6, 2008

a new cool thing

OK for some of you who know Caz some of her artwork well be posted on here yea! She's a really neat artist and sometimes ........................nutty but were so totally friends

have a flower on your head

Everybody needs to have a flower on their on head, what i mean by that is's an example when your brushing your teeth turn the water off don't waste it or ride a bike save the environment plant a tree please PLEASE I NEED YOUR HELP!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

what i'll be able to draw one day................

What I'll be able to draw one day is something like this i can draw a little of this somewhat and it's totally cute and awesome.

really amazing

What a cutie I so want this as a pet how cute wouldn't you agree?!?


I'm so happy my art just got on a really amazing website called And my art is on there and starting soon my artwork well be on here pretty cool. Then i'll have pics too! I'm so happy I'm pooping out butterflies!